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Sobre nosotros

Andrea Hall- Propietaria / directora

La señorita Andrea se formó extensamente en la Escuela de Ballet de Atlanta. Se formó con instructores tan notables como Robert Barnett, Thomas Pasik y Joan Lather. La señorita Andrea ha enseñado Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lírica y Pointe a niños y adultos durante más de veinte años. Completó la Escuela de Formación de Maestros de Dance Masters of America y obtuvo un certificado en Ballet Clásico. ¡Le apasiona la danza y le encantan los niños!

Hannah Heilpern

Hannah Heilpern es maestra e intérprete que actualmente reside en Roswell, Georgia. Ha estado bailando durante 14 años, formándose en varios estudios como Steps Dance Center, Steppin Out Performing Arts Center, y finalmente en Dancentre South durante 6 años. Durante su tiempo en Dancentre South actuó en papeles como Harlequin Doll y Snow Queen, además de ser asistente de maestra. Hannah se ha presentado en otros lugares como Disney World, Balletfest Atlanta, Jazz on Tap, Zombiefest, Panoply Festival of the Arts, y también fue estudiante en la producción de Surface de Gotta Dance Atlanta Contemporary. Recientemente actuó en el Fright Fest de Six Flag's Over Georgia y en Holiday In The Park. Hannah lleva dos años enseñando y le apasiona inspirar y compartir su pasión y amor por la danza con la próxima generación de bailarines.

Andrea ballet director & instructor
Andrea ballet director & instructor

Kate Goodwin

Kate ballet instructor

Ballet, Tap, Hip Hop & Creative Movement Instructor

Miss Kate began her ballet training at the age of 2 1/2 years old. She also has trained in tap, jazz, hip hop and pointe. Miss Kate has a passion for the art of ballet technique and is excited to teach.  We are so happy to have her join us at DWMA



Flynn Wallace

Ballet/Tap/ Jazz  & Contemporary Instructor

Bek Vence

 Musical Theater & Jazz/Tap Instructor

Kenzie Edwards

Ballet/Tap/ Jazz & Contemporary  Instructor

Ballet instructor Nina headshot


Ballet instructor Kenzie headhsot

Miss Kenzie is from Cedartown Ga. She currently attends Kennesaw State University as a Dance Major with a ballet concentration.  She started dancing when she was three years old and began  teaching in high school. She is so excited teach this season at DWMA!

Rayvin Taylor

 Cheerleading/Dance Team & Gymnastics Instructor

ballet instructor rayvin headshot

Rayvin Taylor is an advanced dancer born in Daytona Beach, FL that grew up in Kennesaw, GA. Born with a love for performing and choreography, this talented artist is beginning to make a career out of a passion and will strive to do so until completion. Over the years, she has been mastering the artwork of ballet, jazz, modern, hip-hop, tap, pointe, lyrical, contemporary, and other genres. She has had the opportunity to work on several incredible solo and collaborative projects. Thriving on creative challenges and building long-term relationships with audiences along the way, Rayvin Taylor is always leaving an impactful impression behind. Rayvin danced and trained at Impact Dance of Atlanta for 10 years and competed at competitions locally for 4 years. Her drive for dance has led her to Kennesaw State University where she majors as a Modern Concentration and minors in Entrepreneurship. She is currently in her third year of college and is finding inspiration in being a choreographer as well as a performer

Rose Easto

   Ballet/Tap/Jazz Instructor

Ballet instructor rose headshot
Warren Hall 
warren hall profile pic.jpg



Rayvin Taylor is an advanced dancer born in Daytona Beach, FL that grew up in Kennesaw, GA. Born with a love for performing and choreography, this talented artist is beginning to make a career out of a passion and will strive to do so until completion. Over the years, she has been mastering the artwork of ballet, jazz, modern, hip-hop, tap, pointe, lyrical, contemporary, and other genres. She has had the opportunity to work on several incredible solo and collaborative projects. Thriving on creative challenges and building long-term relationships with audiences along the way, Rayvin Taylor is always leaving an impactful impression behind. Rayvin danced and trained at Impact Dance of Atlanta for 10 years and competed at competitions locally for 4 years. Her drive for dance has led her to Kennesaw State University where she majors as a Modern Concentration and minors in Entrepreneurship. She is currently in her third year of college and is finding inspiration in being a choreographer as well as a performer

  Warren Hall began his yoga journey in the late nineties. He began studying and taking classes with several different instructors and a variety of styles and loved it! Presently, Yoga has become a guiding force and central to his grounding in life. He completed 200-Hour Yoga teacher training in 2022 studying under Courtney Ward & BG Sohoni. Warren studied under Jessi Rae Beuckman for his aerial Yoga teaching certification. Warren is excited to bring his love of yoga to students of all levels.

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